This blog is no longer being updated. Last post was “Farewell”.
Exams… are beautiful.
No, I have not lost my mind. (Waisay who knows. I might actually have lost my mind and might haven’t come to notice about it. You miss a thing only if you are too dependant on it, you see.) So regardless of whether I have lost my mind or not, I wrote the starting sentence with all my will and intention. You might then ask the reason. The reason, my dear friends, is very simple: Exams provide you with a reason/excuse for doing/not doing anything. And the question which asks if you were studying for your exams can ruin the whole flavour of this reason, so I would prefer not to answer it.
So you see, I didn’t update because I was busy with my exams. *innocent look*
But just think for a while. Aren’t exams a blessing in disguise? You don’t have to go to the market and purchase forgotten ingredients (examples: hari mirch, dhania, etc). You don’t have to worry about your shave and haircut, since you are so busy in your studies. You don’t need to answer the door-bell every time because it’s understood that you are studying. You get so much time in front of your computer for working out with the coding examples. You get the luxury of being alone in your room and not disturbed by your younger siblings because you have to prepare for your exam. You can create a mess in your bedroom with your textbooks, notes, photocopies of lecture slides and all other junk and not have to worry about it, because it’s your exam tomorrow.
And many other things.
What happens after the exams are over, however, is another story altogether and beyond the scope of this current post. But it’s not much though. You just have to think of some other excuses then. Some valid excuses, that is, and none of which can come up to the validity of its-my-exam-tomorrow.
Which brings us to the starting line again. Exams are beautiful.
Dec 4, 2004 at 4:52 pm
lol! indeed-now dat u point it out…!
when my elder brother taught me, i’d forc myself to sleep during the afternoon-he’d want me 2 remain awake-(i never slept during the afternoons other than exam time)-he’d say i wasfaking it,but my mom wud intervene & say something to the effect of ‘never mind,let him sleep”! but now for d past coupla years, theres no one 2 fake sleeping infront of, its just me-but then its fun when in d middle of d night v go for snacks & stuff!& d ” ok,i’ll sleep now, u wake me up in 2 hours,when i wake up,i’ll start studying,& U can sleep…”!
Dec 4, 2004 at 8:29 pm
Leave it to Sadaat to see the beauty in exams.
Dec 4, 2004 at 8:37 pm
when everybody say: damn, exams again! I say: wohoo, exams!
without exam, study won’t be finished i guess
Dec 4, 2004 at 9:56 pm
Assalam O Alaikum…
.Well truely through Asma’s blog i reached-up at yrs…Its really nice to read about *Random Thoughts of a Random Pakistani* as u said about yrself
yeah its indeed very essential to self-recognition personality…BUT
i dont know y my exams always fall in that season when all exciting events are revolving around me so really wants to ‘blown out’
…kahir.Its also nice to read about yr name that how other read it at first
…bcoz this same story happens with .Now i’ve really became soo fed-up with this …bcoz name is a name 
Actually as usuall i was roaming around this ‘blogistan’ so today found yr blog n found it an interesting one…ahan..i think Very interesting one
As far as exams are concered so i agree with u that they recognize the precious n personal meaning of lonelyness to a man ‘Jiss ka apna hi alag maza hai’
Take Care
Dec 4, 2004 at 10:03 pm
saadat>>>the bahana’s factory!
hamaray haan talent ki toa koi kami hay hi nahi !!!!hehehe
Dec 5, 2004 at 5:26 am
stop it!
Dec 5, 2004 at 5:54 am
hehe, yeah i see your point. i think i’ve used your “excuse” quite a few times in the past before, too.
Dec 5, 2004 at 4:35 pm
Moiz: Sure, man. You sleep, I’ll wake you up in 2 hours!
(By the way, the double a’s in my name come first!)
Echa: Oh yes! Wohoo, exams! And thanks for stopping by
Gul: Wa-alaikum-us-Salam, and thanks a lot for the appreciating words
And you know what, the real fun of exams is when they arrive with all those events and hungama thing. Makes one look so cool (and provides with a GREAT excuse, hehe!)
Bas ji, Allah ka karam hai …
Jaded: Right. Stopped!
Anne: Keep on using the excuse in the future too. It’s a student’s most effective weapon!
Dec 5, 2004 at 5:24 pm
Why do I get the feeling you are a Jalali Baba in making. Such philosophical insight, and such positive outlook.
I would rather bring the hara dhaniya and pudina than sit through the evening worrying if I will survive the results of tomorrow’s exams…
Dec 6, 2004 at 5:19 pm
Bhaijan: Hehe! Me, a Jalali Baba in making, that’s … cool! And Saadat e Sadaat? *stares*
Dec 7, 2004 at 10:12 am
…May I’ve a saa’dat-e-Izhaar-e-khayaal here…
Although I’m not a victim (Alhamdulillah)…but I know… Hari-Mich-o-Hara Dhanya is not a simple story… that’s,in fact, a big Aazmaaish…
… there’s quite a difference between dhaniya n pudina and FORGOTTEN dhaniya and pudina…it’s actually
FORGOTTEN hari mirch
FORGOTTEN shamlah mirch
Dear Pakistani Amman Jaan never FORGETS to FORGET these FORGOTTENS every day (A next FORGOTTEN is always ready to welcome you when you bring a previous FORGOTTEN for your mom or a sis like me)
So,daily,after enjoying many FORGOTTENS there comes a point of saturation…dear Pakistani Bhai Jaan FORGETS the entire lessons of MORALITY…and He himself becomes a Hari Mirch balkeh LAAL MIRCH, wo bhi nihaayet teiz
…Ma’zret,if I was not allowed to have a saa’dat-e-Izhaar-e-khayaal..
Dec 7, 2004 at 2:50 pm
You are excited by the prospect of turning into Jalali Baba li’l bro…reminds me of an age old saying…Be careful, what you wish for, IT MIGHT JUST COME TRUE!
*Buckles under the stare
Dec 8, 2004 at 2:14 am
You know what’s better than exams bro? Being busy. With errr… something no one else understands. Just mess up your hair and say you’re working on a painting. That way your clothes can be dirty too, he he
Tall Dark Handsome
Dec 8, 2004 at 4:39 pm
look busy
do nothing
have fun
Dec 8, 2004 at 4:55 pm
Guys, I do that all the time in my office.
Especially the do nothing part… often I manage the look busy part too.
Dec 8, 2004 at 6:24 pm
Sh_guf: Yeh amr iss banda-e-na-cheez ke liyay az had aizaz ka baa’is hai ke app ne iss ke comment box ko apnay zarrin’ izhar-e-khayal se faizyaab farmaya. As far as the FORGOTTEN trilogy is concerned, I have enjoyed so many of them, as you quite truly narrate the FORGET traits of Pakistani moms and sisters. Becoming a laal mirch, however, has never helped me, since it is the favourite among spices for my sis.
Bhaijan: I’ll wish for being my back self again if being Jalali Baba bothers me
Abez: Being busy remains 2nd on my list of valid excuses. And working-on-a-painting is just too impressive – I’ll be using it from now on.
Tall Dark Handsome: As Bhaijan says, my friend: All the time!
Dec 9, 2004 at 6:34 pm
Lol, I knew when I commented that I’d probably spelt your name wrong. Sorry dude. I know, how many times you gotta tell me. And I’m an editor too. *hangs head in shame*
Dec 11, 2004 at 11:26 am
Great, how did your exams go?? Mine start soon. I’ve my third hourly papers on Tuesday and the semester exams in the month of Jan. Ah, time for me to get busy and look busy (if I’m already not faking it, hehe) … nice post!!!
Dec 11, 2004 at 3:37 pm
Funny post. Can’t say I’m very happy when my exams are on though. In my opinion, the negatives outnumber the positives. Outweigh them too. Anyway, keep blogging.
halwa fan
Dec 11, 2004 at 7:25 pm
If I read your entry. It’s seems too me I behave like it is always before exams..No good haircut..Messed..very messed room,too much time in front of compi..just don’t learn enough..:-s
Dec 11, 2004 at 8:06 pm
kinda nice blog.
keep it up! dude.
Dec 13, 2004 at 4:09 pm
you’re so right….. exams are blessed times… except when you are like giving the paper…
Dec 13, 2004 at 10:16 pm
Owl: Oh well, maybe it’s something with my name. Yesterday a person asked my name and when I told him, he said, “Shahadat?”
Virtuous Lady: They went fine (because according to a friend of mine: Everything, which has gone, is fine since it can’t become any worse!) All the best for your exams
Anirudh: Even if the negatives outweigh the positives, we should keep looking at the brighter side, shouldn’t we? And thanks for visiting
Halwa Fan: Gemini?
Vaqas: Thanks, dude!
NJ: Well I think that’s the most blessed time. The very first pass through the question paper tells you if you can attempt the questions or not, which quite relaxes your nerves!
Dec 14, 2004 at 6:48 pm
kahan guum ho?long time,no see
exams went ok?